PIMEX videos have been developed to illustrate the effectiveness of the NEPSI good practices (see chapter Good Practice Guide) in the reduction of occupational exposure to dust.

The videos are available in 22 languages of the EU by clicking on the appropriate link in the language menu.
PIMEX (PIcture Mix Exposure) is a video exposure monitoring method used in occupational hygiene practice. It is based on mixing pictures from a video camera filming a worker performing its task with a simultaneous measurement of the worker’s exposure to dust, comparing whether the task is performed according to the NEPSI recommended practice versus any other practice not reducing exposure to dust. The main idea of the method is to make invisible hazards in the work environment visible and in this manner facilitate their reduction.
- Training workers;
- Visualisation of a good practice method;
- Raising awareness and motivate managers to use safe working procedures or to take measures;
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- 2 1 01 Cleaning floors (task sheet 2.1.13
- 2 1 10 Good Hygiene Cleaning clothes (Task sheet 2.1.13)
- 2 1 12 Laboratory work (Task sheet 2.1.13
- 2 1 13 Local exhaust ventilation (Task sheet 2.1.13)
- 2 1 14 Maintenance (Task sheet 2.1.13)
- 2 2 06 Crushing of minerals (Task sheet 2.1.13)
- 2 2 10 Fettling larger castings in foundries (Task sheet 2.1.13)
- 2 2 14 Glass furnace batch charging (Task sheet 2.1.13)
- 2 2 19 Jumbo bagging (Task sheet 2.1.13)
- 2 2 22 Mixing of materials (Task sheet 2.1.13)
- 2 2 30 Shot blasting in foundries (Task sheet 2.1.13)
- 2 2 31b Small bags filling flours (Task sheet 2.1.13)
- 2 236 Water assisted dust suppression (Task sheet 2.1.13)
Next to the video picture you see a graph and a red bar illustrating the dust concentration in mg/m3.
The measurement of the dust concentration is not about respirable crystalline silica, it is based on a semi-quantitative measurement. What is essential is not the dust concentration value bu the relative difference between exposure levels during the recommended practice and other practice.